I was asked to make custom ear climbers, and I never made those and never even heard of them. So the first thing I wanted to do was make a test pair and wear it for a little while to see how those things would feel, how to best keep them secured on the ear, and how high up an ear I could go to keep them practical. To stay on the safe side, I made a shorter test pair out of whatever was laying on the surface which happened to be composite mother of pearl shell and various glass. The test happened to be very short because the same day a nice lady approached me with questions about those earrings and what else I make and eventually bought them.

So I made myself the second pair of climbers (they are also adorably called ear crawlers!) with reconstructed turquoise and some other glass, and that pair is still with me, and I got to wear it for a few days.

To my surprise, ear climbers are so comfortable that I can’t feel them, and my ears are quite sensitive. I don’t know why I never ever heard about them and now think that more should be made because they are awesome and so different from what I normally make.