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Natural phronite (no, prehnite!) chunky beads from today

Natural phronite chunky stone beads

My catch from The Gathering of the Guilds show in Portland today. The stone is called phronite. It can be found only in two places in the world; one is in Australia, another is in China. These are chunky beads that will make good focals in whatever necklaces I am going to make. Right now the number of ideas is way more than the available beads.

So I wanted to learn more about the stone as I often do when it is new to me. Surprisingly, Google only went as far as agreeing that “phronite” is a word and describes a stone. That was it. No images, no information, nothing at all besides mentioning it in the same breath with malachite.

Anybody knows anything about phronite?

Updated 5/2/18: Turns out the correct name of the stone is PREHNITE. I could not believe there was a stone that Google knew nothing about and tried some derivations of “phronite” with it. None of them were actual stones or even words, but one triggered something in Google, and I got photos of stones very similar to mine and lots of suggestions on where to buy either beads or crystals. Phew! Much better than my interpretation of seller’s handwritten note with a genuine typo in it 🙂

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