I’ve started working on this necklace in the middle of many art shows happening all at once or back to back at the end of 2019. For a while, all attempts to make much progress were very futile.
Then just as the beginning of 2020 started to look a little more promising, COVID-19 demanded major adjustments to both creative and non-creative aspects of what I do, and all I could manage was projects with deadlines attached to them.
It is wonderful when people have interest in your work, yes, and it means even more to me when their lives are affected by the pandemic. It’s just that jewelry you started because an idea looked cool in your head fails to materialize for weeks and months, and then it’s a challenge to recall what you wanted to create. Luckily, I learned to take notes, and this time notes let me work in tiny spurs here and there without losing sight of the final look.
Like it happened before so many times, the original pearls came from the Blackbird Granary in Mt. Angel, Oregon.